Harleen & Andrew

The Dark Side of Social Media

In today’s digital age, where social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives, it’s essential to explore the profound influence they have on our daily choices, including those related to our health. While social media offers numerous benefits, it also harbours a dark side that can significantly impact our well-being, particularly in the realm of eating disorders.

The prevalence of social media is undeniable, with billions of people worldwide actively engaged in platforms like Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Twitter. These platforms provide users with unprecedented access to information, inspiration, and connections. However, constant exposure to carefully curated content can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, particularly for young adults and children.

One of the most concerning links between social media and eating disorders is the unrealistic body standards perpetuated on these platforms. Influencers, celebrities, and everyday users often showcase flawless and photoshopped images, setting impossibly high beauty and fitness ideals. These images can lead to body dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and a desire for unattainable physical perfection.

Moreover, social media is rife with content promoting fad diets, extreme exercise routines, and unverified nutritional advice. These trends can mislead individuals into adopting unhealthy eating habits, leading to malnutrition, overeating, or restrictive behaviours.

The constant pressure to accumulate likes, comments, and followers can also foster a sense of competition and comparison among users. People may feel compelled to measure their worth by the attention they receive on social media. This can result in unhealthy eating habits as individuals strive to fit the perceived standards of beauty and popularity they encounter on these platforms.

The link between social media and eating disorders is a growing concern that demands our attention and proactive measures. The influence of social media on the nutritional choices and well-being of young adults and children should not be underestimated.

“The Dark Side of Food,” a thrilling graphic novel by Harleen and Andrew Cook, boldly addresses the impact of social media platforms on young adults and children’s eating habits and nutritional consumption. It weaves a captivating narrative that delves into the dark secrets of a supernatural being who uses technology to manipulate food as a weapon through social media. The book highlights the power of misinformation and its consequences on our relationship with food.

As we engage with social media platforms, it is crucial to remain vigilant about the content we consume and the impact it has on our lives. Through awareness, education, and open discussions, we can mitigate the negative effects of social media and pave the way for a healthier and more informed digital future.


“Views expressed are the author’s own and are not intended for medical use. We lawfully exclude all liability. Terms and conditions apply. All rights reserved.”

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